Unbalance Marching Band


Easing into fall with unbalance relationship sweater.   When mother nature can not decide how to run thermometer , 80’s during the day and 60’s at night, It seems it would make sense to wear something that would  satisfy crazy mother nature. (My advice: you should never challenge mother nature but go with flow.) so I cut one unnecessary sleeve from brand new perfectly img_8405good-looking turtle neck sweater. img_8284img_8405

I styled with marching band jacket or military jacket to keep warm for the night. I happend to be a big giant sucker for anything embroideries. When I saw this jacket smiling it was whirwind of romance instantly.  I believe in true love!  img_8302img_8402img_8447img_8407img_8398img_8459img_8344img_8393img_8466img_8451

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